Siri Makes A Game
Roles: 3Cs, Weapons, Game Loop, Systems, Audio and Effects Integration, AI
You play as a game developer asking AI Siri to make a game by providing it with prompts to make a chill game. Siri makes a shooting game with a narrative. It keeps providing funny weapons as the developer asked for a chill game. It adds funky sound and visual effects. Finally, the developer realizes that AI cannot make a good game as it lacks human touch.
Year: 2022
Platform: Windows
Genre: First Person Shooter
Engine :Unreal

After first prompt, the player is given the first weapon.
- This weapon shots single projectile.
- Enemies are launched with force when them die.
Single Bullet Weapon

This weapon is given after the second prompt.
- This weapon shots 9 bubbles that floats forward and upward.
- When any bubble makes contact, every bubble pops doing damage
Bubble Gun

After the third prompt, the player is given a melee weapon.
- This weapon on contact with enemy spawn confetti and makes fun sound.
- Enemies take low damage, takes a small hit stun and makes weird damage.
Confetti Cannon

After the fourth prompt, the player is told to throw the teddy bears.
This can be picked up and can be thrown.
- These teddy bears explode when they make contact with enemies.
- Due to the radial explosion and radial force, the enemies are defeated and lunched.
Explosive Teddy Bears

after using the burgers, Siri says to use the burgers as weapons.
This can be picked up and can be thrown.
- Player can throw these burgers at enemies.
- On contact, the burger breaks, and all the burger parts do damage separately.
Big Burgers

This is the sixth prompt, the player is given this grenade launcher that launched eggs.
- On contact, the egg cracks doing an explosion and leaves an omelette.
Omelette Grenade launcher

At the very end, the player is given a banana and it opens like an light saber.
The player can swing the banana saber at the enemy and one shot the enemies.
Banana Light Saber
Progression System
The progression is structured around the players progression.
As the Player defeats enemies and reaches certain points in the level, narration progresses.
The results of the narration will make the player experiences with different weapons.
Each weapon is structured around the level design, encounter and narration.
Game Flow:

Full Game Play
Heading 5

This is a fast shooting auto rifle. User can Aim down sites with this weapon. The weapon is more stable when aimed down.
This weapon has a vertical recoil when trigger is pulled.
This weapon is a projectile based weapon.
Fast shooting Auto Rifle

The progression is structured around the players progression.
As the Player defeats enemies and reaches certain points in the level, narration progresses.
The results of the narration will make the player experiences with different weapons.
Each weapon is structured around the level design, encounter and narration.
Movement system:
The game has VR locomotion.
The player can use the right joystick to move around the environment.
The movement is calibrated to have a smooth head track movement also.
The game is a funny an experience that should be simple and fun for any player.
Hence the player has high health and enemies are easy to kill.
AI System:
Enemies are built with simple code.
When the enemy sees the player, the enemy closes to 500 units of the player and starts firing.
The enemy on death will be launched with low gravity and ragdoll physics to produce comedic feedback.
Enemy when taking melee damage will be in hit stun state and produce funny sounds.