Teleporter Enemy
This enemy is a ranged mage that throws projectiles from different locations. This enemy test the players movement speed on the map as the enemy teleports to different locations after performing an attack. Players has to stun the enemy by attacking it after covering the gap quickly precisely.
Combat Behavior Pattern
Offensive moves:
Projectiles attacks
Defensive Moves:
Projectile Attack 1:
The enemy releases 3-4 projectiles one after another towards the enemy. These projectiles have a small level of controllable tracking.
After shooting the enemy teleports directly behind the players vision if there is environmental space.
Teleport stopping:
The enemy will have a windup animation while performing a teleport. During this animation, if the enemy gets hit by player's attacks, the enemy will get stunned for 4 seconds. This is the open window for the player to do damage to the enemy.
Strategy for the player:
The player can destroy the projectiles or dodge the projectiles. After covering the distance, the player has to stun the enemy during the teleport animation.
If the player attacks when the enemy is attacking and not doing the teleportation animation, the enemy performs a dodge and then teleports away