Tank Enemy
This is a heavy hitting enemy with moderate health. It functions like a Juggerknot that rushes into the player. This enemy test the players precise timed dodge and also does a DPS check.
Combat Behavior Pattern
Offensive moves:
Defensive Moves:
Runs away
This enemy stomps the ground 3 times and on the 3rd stomp the enemy cracks the earth under the player. From the cracks spikes comeout making the player imobile then the enemy rushes and bashes the player. If the player is caught in the bash, the player flies away and the enemy runs to another location.

If the enemy misses or the player dodges the enemy attack, the enemy will overshoot its run and will fall down. If it hits a wall also it will fall down. This is the open window for the player do some possible DPS to the enemy without interruption.

After the enemy getting up from the fall, and finds the player too close, the enemy performs an heavy kick which will throw the player away.

Boss Behavior Tree: